
Manipulative Media and Information

Items or tools used to aid in hands-on learning models in which learners can manipulate to gain understanding and/or mastery of a concept. Tools to assist students to advance from concrete novice knowledge to a more expert understanding of abstract ideas through visual and kinesthetic senses. Examples of Manipulative Media and Information: •ABACUS •LEGO • RUBIK'S CUBE •JIGSAW PUZZLES  Manipulatives media can be both traditional and digital. The use of manipulatives media in the classroom is essential since it gives a concrete experience for the learners because students able to explore and investigate. Thus, learning is effective, be it traditional or digital. Some considerations in choosing manipulatives should be in line with the objectives of the lesson. If it requires manual manipulation or using a software, then use it in teaching a lesson. A concrete example of this use in chemistry is using &